Labba Labba - Episode 11 - Veronica Magnani

Podcast · May 13th, 2021 · length: 52 min

The eleventh episode is featuring Veronica Magnani from Copenhagen, Denmark. She´s a dancer, a chef and most importantly, a mum of beautiful children.

As this episode is Mother’s Day special, we talked about the connection between dancing and motherhood.

If you´re satisfied in your life, you´re not gonna pay so much attention to if people have opinions.

Veronica also told us about her and her husband’s cooking project focused on Jamaican food and about her participation in Masterchef Denmark. And of course, we couldn’t skip talking about her dance journey.

Wanna know more about Veronica? Check her social platforms accounts:

E11 - Veronica2.jpeg

Music in the podcast by Wataboi from Pixabay.

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